This ethical regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "regulation") is to provide the right standards for determining the behavior and value of all employees to create a fair and transparent ethical culture, and all employees must properly understand and comply with the ethical regulations.
1. Follow the relevant laws and regulations thoroughly and perform their duties fairly according to transparent and objective standards.
2. In relation to the job, money, real estate, goods, gift certificates, etc. shall not be received from trading companies such as subcontractors.
3. Do not engage in unfair acts against stakeholders (employees, trading companies, etc.) by using their superior position.
4. Company assets shall not be used for private purposes, and secrets and information of the company acquired for business shall not be leaked at home or abroad without approval.
5. It is prohibited to engage in other businesses that interfere with the company's business.
6. Discrimination should not be made on the grounds of gender different from sexual harassment such as verbal and physical acts that cause sexual shame.
7. Establish the desired talent image that the company wants and try to meet the talent image that the company wants through continuous self-development.
1. Always listen and respect customers' opinions and suggestions, and make sure to keep promises with customers must be kept.
2. Using the customer's needs and expectations as the ultimate criterion for judgment, we provide the best quality and services that help the customer and do our best to create the value the customer wants.
3. Customers recognize that it is a source of company growth and do their best to supply stable products.
1. Respect the market economy order in accordance with the principle of free competition, and pursue fair competition in good faith based on mutual respect with competitors.
2. In bidding and signing contracts implemented by the company, equal opportunities are given to qualified individuals or organizations, integrity contracts are signed to comply with them, performing fair and transparent tasks, and making no unfair demands using superior trading status.
3. Our supplier which can be individual or group is regularly notified and evaluated for social responsibility management.
1. It protects the interests of shareholders and investors in a long and stable manner by maintaining the soundness of management and reducing costs and improving productivity.
2. Follow the management decision-making procedures and provide sufficient information to shareholders in a timely manner through transparent and reliable accounting processing according to corporate accounting standards.
1. Treat each employee as a dignified person, establish a system for fair performance of his/her duties, and do his/her best to achieve pride and reward through his/her duties.
2. Through fair evaluation according to an individual's ability and performance, it induces a sense of accomplishment and new motivation, and does not discriminate against personnel management such as employment and promotion.
3. It continuously develops an education system to foster professional and creative talents, secures smooth communication channels, and supports all employees to show creativity.
4. It creates a working environment where employees can work comfortably and safely, and supports the improvement of the quality of life such as health, education, and welfare of executives and employees.
1. The company respects the values of the state and society, complies with relevant laws, creates social wealth, improves the quality of people's lives, and fulfills its social roles and responsibilities by developing the company through legitimate and legitimate corporate activities.
2. The company is not involved in politics.
3. The company complies with all laws and standards on safety and does its best to prevent and manage accidents of employees through education and training.
4. The company complies with the relevant laws and regulations in conducting business activities and does not engage in unfair trade practices.
1. This regulation is enacted and enforced on August 30, 2019.